At a time when the protection of the country and its citizens is the cornerstone of every development in modern societies, the presentation of modern technology in Security and Defense matters with existing solutions and applications is the key to its achievement.
The organization of the conference follows the new 5-year term of the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus and the corresponding appointments of new administration of the MoD & National Guard, the lifting of the US embargo and the new geopolitical issues in the wider Eastern Mediterranean region related to energy and not only, which will be high on the agenda for the next period of time.
The aim of the conference is to present the capabilities of the most modern and effective technology in Defense & Security matters to the new Cypriot authorities, in the context of today's unstable international environment which is full of security challenges. Dealing with them requires, in addition to continuous diplomatic efforts, the exchange of knowledge and cooperation, especially with large technological players.
The conference will be attended by the Ministry of Defence, the Chief and senior officials of the National Guard, representatives of Ministries and other interested Cypriot Authorities, representatives of EU member states, international organizations and the international defence industry.
RIK NEWS (Cyprus Broadcasting Channel)
CYPSEC 2023 - Highlights
CYPSEC 2023 - Photo Gallery
CYPSEC 2023 e-Booklet
(Click on the image or scan the QR code)
Welcoming, Ministerial & Institutional speeches, summaries, who is who, etc.
Distinguished Speakers 2023
Hon. Minister of Defence
Republic of Cyprus
* Lt Gen Dimokritos Zervakis
Chief of the National Guard of Cyprus
* Tassos Rozolis
Hellenic Association of Defense Materiel Manufacturers (SEKPY)
* Mario Blokken
Director of the Permanent Secretariat
European Army Interoperability Centre (FINABEL)
* Capt (M) Petros Vranas HN
Branch C2/4, Department of National Infrastructure
Hellenic National Defence General Staff
* Piet J.C.M. van Rooij
Commercial Manager Defence & Security Department
* Marie Marchais
Techinical & Military Operations Manager
MBDA France
* Dani Levin Kas
Managing Director
EuroSpike GmbH
* Jean-Marie Dumon
Deputy Director
The French Maritime Industry Association (GICAN)
* Vice Admiral HN (Ret) Vasilis Martzoukos
Vice President
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Lt Gen (Ret) Ippokratis Daskalakis
Director of Studies
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Col (Ret) Andreas Loizou
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Dimitris Iliopoulos
Ambassador (Ret) & Member of the Board
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Leontios Portokalakis
Surveyor Engineer., M.Sc. & Member of the Board
Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.)
* Gaspard Jalon
Marketing & Sales Manager
SAFRAN Electronics & Defense
* Jehan-Christophe Charles
Int'l Business Development Manager
CS Group
* Igor Rafalovsky
* Demetris Antoniou
Senior Cybersecurity Manager
* Dan Ben Dov
Chief Business Officer
BlueBird Aero Systems
* Arnaud de La Serraz
Sales Director South Europe, Canada & LATAM
* Yann Bulic
Export Sales Manager
* Christodoulos Papadopoulos
Cyprus Association of Information Protection and Privacy-CAIPP
* Lt Cdr HN (Ret) Nikolaos Myriounis
Defence Standardization Manager
Defense Standardization Advice (DSA)
* Michalis Zantis
Standardisation Officer
Cyprus Organization for Standardisation (CYS)
* Socrates Costicoglou
Applications and R&D Director
Space Hellas
* Nikos Drosos
Senior R&D Project Manager
Space Hellas
* Thierry Brizard
Chief Engineer
* Romeo Bratskas
Chief Operating Officer
* Dr. Dimitrios Papachristos
R&D Manager
* Doron Carmi
Managing Director
* Bruno Lamarque
Vice-President Sales for Southern Europe & Israel
Airbus Defence & Space
* Baudoin Marraud-Des-Grottes
Head of Sales Western Europe
Airbus Helicopters
* Stephane Le-Floch
Combat Marketing Segment Manager
Airbus Helicopters
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